
Video guide available here

Compatible 3D Displays

Compatible VR Games & Mods

Checkout the Compatibility List to see if a game has been tested



Field Name Type Description Default Value
window_width int The width of the application window. 1920
window_height int The height of the application window. 1080
render_width int The width to render per eye (can be higher or lower than the application window) 1920
render_height int The height to render per eye (can be higher or lower than the application window) 1080
hmd_height + float The height of the simulated HMD. 1.0
aspect_ratio float The aspect ratio used to calculate vertical FoV 1.77778
fov float The field of view (FoV) for the VR rendering. 90.0
depth + float The max depth. Overrides VR’s IPD field. 0.5
convergence + float Where the left and right images converge. Adjusts frustum. 0.02
disable_hotkeys bool Disable Depth & Convergence adjustment hotkeys to avoid conflict with other 3D mods false
tab_enable bool Enable or disable top-and-bottom (TaB) 3D output (Side by Side is default) false
reverse_enable bool Enable or disable reversed 3D output. false
depth_gauge bool Enable or disable SteamVR IPD depth gauge display. false
debug_enable bool Borderless Windowed. Not 3DVision compatible. Breaks running some mods in OpenVR mode. true
display_latency float The display latency in seconds. 0.011
display_frequency float The display refresh rate, in Hz. 60.0
pitch_enable + bool Enables or disables Controller right stick y-axis mapped to HMD Pitch false
yaw_enable + bool Enables or disables Controller right stick x-axis mapped to HMD Yaw false
pose_reset_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to reset the HMD position and orientation "VK_NUMPAD7"
ctrl_toggle_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to toggle Pitch and Yaw emulation on/off when they are enabled "XINPUT_GAMEPAD_RIGHT_THUMB"
ctrl_toggle_type + string The ctrl_toggle_key’s behavior (“toggle” “hold”) "toggle"
pitch_radius + float Radius of curvature for the HMD to pitch along. Useful in 3rd person VR games 0.0
ctrl_deadzone + float Controller Deadzone when using pitch or yaw emulation 0.05
ctrl_sensitivity + float Controller Sensitivity when using pitch or yaw emulation 1.0
user_load_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to load user setting # (replace # with integer number) "VK_NUMPAD1"
user_store_key + string The Virtual-Key Code to store user setting # (replace # with integer number) "VK_NUMPAD4"
user_key_type + string The store key’s behavior (“switch” “toggle” “hold”) (replace # with integer number) "switch"
user_depth + float The depth value for user setting # (replace # with integer number) 0.5
user_convergence + float The convergence value for user setting # (replace # with integer number) 0.02

Base Installation

Interlaced, Checkerboard, and Anaglyph Installation (only if you need this output format)

SR (Simulated Reality) Displays (only if you need this output format)

3DVision Installation (only if you need this output format)



User Settings


